
Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mom

There is no way one blog post will ever do my mom justice, but I'm sure going to give it my best shot. I am truly one of the most blessed girls in the world. I have a pretty amazing mom. Sure, she may have a "queen complex", but she has one of the most gentle and wise hearts I know. And, she is brave. Seriously brave. She and my dad followed their hearts calling to the mission field, packed up their young family (which at the time included 7 and 9 year old girls) and literally moved to the other side of the world. Then, my mom was brave enough to have her 3rd and last child in developing country with a very poor, socialized medicine system that just so happened to be on strike when we first moved there.  I love her reaction to people who thought she had lost her mind choosing to have a baby in Uruguay...she said, "Well, you know, women have been having babies here for hundreds of years, so there's no reason why I can't!". That's just her approach on life. She can make the best of just about any situation imaginable. And trust me, there have been MANY less-than-ideal situations she has made the best of.

I was definitely one of those children who tested the limits, flaunted my attitude and spent many a weeks "on restriction" as my mom called it.  Although I certainly thought her tough love was mightily unfair, it always gave me a sense of security, even though I don't even think I realized it at the time.  Her steadfastness and persevering through my years of bad attitude helped shape me to be the woman I am now. The woman who now considers her mother to be one of her closest friends, a confidant, and trusted adviser.  She always knows just what to say and when to say it. And, although she fools most people initially, she is stinkin' funny! She has a sense of humor that shocks many people....and I love it.

Truly, if every girl had the kind of mom I have, this world would be a better place. I know, I'm starting to sound like a bad Mother's Day card, but it's true. Faithful, wise, brave, steadfast, gentle, loving and funny.  That's my mom. And I love her dearly.

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