
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Games and fun with boys

I wanted to write a post about some of the fun parts of being a mom of boys again!  Too much focus on the woes here goes.

It amazes me how much fun my boys can have with a set of wood blocks. This afternoon they spent a good hour playing with these blocks. At first, Caleb was getting really irritated with his brother because Noah is in the "stack a few then KNOCK them all over" and Caleb is more into the stacking them impossibly high phase.  Caleb actually got sent to his room for a bit because he was not playing kindly with his brother. A little while later, he came out and said he wanted to play and have fun with his brother.  So, he made a game out of stacking blocks for Noah to knock over. It was PRICELESS to watch this. Caleb would stack them and then say, "Go buddy! You can do it!", Noah would knock it over and then they would both cheer. They did this over and over and had so much fun! I was soaking it all in. I was so proud of Caleb for setting aside what he wanted to do and coming up with a game that would be fun for both of them. He was really proud of himself too! "See what a great job I'm doing playing with my brother?" he asked.  So cute. I absolutely love catching these peaceful glimpses of my boys playing together. They already fight and I know that there will be much more of that to come, so I really want to soak up these fun, peaceful moments with them!

One of the highlights this weekend was teaching Caleb how to play one of my childhood favorite games...Sorry.  It's a pretty simple board game and is one I remember playing with my parents and sister a lot growing up. It had been a long time since I tried to teach Caleb a board game so I wasn't sure what he would think.  But, he loved it! It's pretty funny watching him try to figure out how to turn it into an action game by flying the pieces to their new spots and crashing into pieces in his way. The best part was that he asked to play it again the next day! 

I love starting to build our little family memories and including some of the highlights from my childhood.  I can only pray that our family will be as close-knit and healthy as mine was growing up!

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