
Thursday, January 27, 2011


Over the past few months, I have had a very heavy heart about my little guy, Noah's, health. He has been plagued by chronic GI infections as well as 5 cases of tonsillitis in his tender 17 months of life. He goes through phases where we literally wakes up at night screaming and writhing in pain, and pulls his knees up to his chest because it hurts to straighten his legs. Although he has stayed on his growth curve and is thriving from a developmental stand point, my mommy gut is telling me that we are missing something. Hopefully nothing serious. But something is off. And, I might add, my mommy gut has never been wrong. Our pediatrician sent us to a GI specialist who has some theories that are being tested out. She subsequently referred us to an immunologist to rule out an underlying immune system deficiency and had us start him on one new medication and a new supplement in the mean time. So far all we know is that he is mildly allergic to six foods, 3 of which he eats every day. Some of his basic blood work came back abnormal as well but I don't know what all that means yet. Next week we see the immunologist and hopefully will be told there's nothing serious going on! We currently are on day 11 of no symptoms. We are rapidly approaching the longest stretch of time he's been healthy since he was a newborn. Now we wait. For answers. For a solution. To learn whatever it will take to keep our baby healthy. We wait.

We are also in the (very exciting) process of finding out if we are going to get to move into what is very close to our dream home! We've been in a very small place since we first got married and now that we have 2 boys we really need want more space. I've decided I shouldn't be saying we NEED more space because, in all reality, we don't NEED anything. But, I digress. Things are rolling but there is a lot of waiting involved in this process as well. But as exciting as the prospect is, we wait.

Those of you who know me even a little bit know that patience is really not one of my virtues. I am having to truly learn what it means to "be still and know that I am God". Ever fiber of my human being wants to know NOW what is wrong with my baby and wants to know NOW that we are going to move and when and how and on and on it goes!!! But, my heart reminds me to again be still. And rest assured that the Lord has the plan all figured out already and He's going to reveal it to us as we need to know it. Even though we WANT to know it now.....we'll know when we NEED to! After we wait.


  1. I needed to read this today .... <3 you!

  2. You got the blood tests back??? I am dying to know what you found out already. So excited (and freaking jealous) over this house as well. Please please keep me posted! And hang in there my dear...."Be still and know that I am God"....ok well at least just try to remember He is God! :) love you!
